It’s Time to Let in the Joys of the Season

Spring is such a gleeful time! Even though the chill beauty of winter may not be completely gone, when the daffodils and crocus start to peek out, we know it’s the beginning of the renewal and rebirth our precious earth goes through every year. As we start to feel that renewal stir within us, it’s the perfect time to kick off nature’s new year with refreshing rituals that celebrate us!

The act of spring cleaning is an annual ritual for many and a powerful one. By letting go of the old, we let in the new and allow yesteryear’s treasures to be cherished by someone new. It’s also a great way to support a more sustainable earth! 

There are lots of rituals to herald the joys of spring from the festivals of spring to rituals for freedom and I invite you to read on and see and practice which speak most to you. Most of all I invite you to think of yourself as Oscar Wilde says, “A flower blossoms for its own joy.” You are all beautiful blossoms to me! Pick the spring rituals that speak most to you here.

Four Rituals to Supercharge and Renew Your Spring:

  1. Decorate for Spring. Welcome spring into your home with flowers, a wreath, a fresh spring meal and even a new spring look for yourself, from flowers in your hair to a new cheery outfit – show your spring spirit!
  2. Garden Blessings.  Whether you have a large outdoor area or an apartment with potted plants, spring is your opportunity to bring new life into the world and nurture and refresh what is already there. Some rituals even recommend that you hold seeds and imagine them full of the life you want: financial freedom, greater health, more joy, whatever you desire. Then eat the seed and let all that blossom within you!
  3. Ritual for Freedom. What would you like out of your life? What do you feel bound by? Imagine what it would be like to be free of that and write it all down. I am healthy, I am free from judgement, I am joyful, whatever is important to you. Then bury it beneath a seed or a plant in honor of spring and let the growth of the plants and richness of the earth free you!
  4. Spring Clean Yourself Literally. Take a bath or shower and rub yourself with sea salt. Envision yourself cleansing your mind, body and soul. Get rid of all the old unwanted grime holding you back and let yourself be free. When you’re done, tie a string around your wrist or ankle and wear it until it falls off symbolizing your new path and power.

I wish you all a Supercharged Spring of joy, love and rebirth!!

All the best,