What’s on your 2022 goal/intention/resolution list? Better health? Less stress? More money, love and happiness? Maybe travel?

One thing that’s certain is that making positive changes is in the air now because the book Atomic Habits by James Clear has been the #1 bestselling book on Amazon for most of the month of January. He talks about how making tiny changes can bring remarkable results.

Are you willing to make a tiny change to maintain and improve your ongoing brain health, reduce stress and have more fun in your life?

Consider doing a puzzle a day as a brain-boosting habit for 2022.

Puzzles are a form of yoga for the brain. As with yoga, puzzles help us stretch to improve our cognitive flexibility and relax at the same time. They allow the brain stop focusing on our thoughts and be present with the challenge at hand.

Yoga for the Brain word search and sudoku puzzles certainly are a great choice for a brain-boosting work out and mental fitness program. Also consider jigsaws, crosswords, cryptograms, logic challenges, escape rooms and riddles.

You may not notice immediate results. Keep going and don’t give up. As Clear says, Breakthrough moments are often the result of many previous actions which build up the potential required to unleash a major change.

A puzzle a day really can help keep stress and mental decline away!

Find out for yourself. Download your free Yoga for the Brain sample puzzle. And/or order a book to get started in our Amazon store by clicking here: https://amzn.to/2PgQdW3

P.S. Here are some startling statistics. Only 3% of people set goals. Of that 3%, only 8% of those people achieve their goals. So that means that out of 1000 people, 30 (3%) have goals. Of those 30, only 2 or possibly 3 make it to the finish line. That’s right, out of 1000 souls, only 2 or 3 achieve their goals each year. Will you be one of those few?